- Enhances energy metabolism and physical activity
- Improves insulin sensitivity
- Improves mitochondrial metabolism
- Suppresses age-associated weight gain
- Prevents age-linked changes in gene expression
- Improves eye function
NMN is rapidly absorbed and converted to NAD+ when taken orally. In numerous studies, supplementation with NMN has increased NAD+ biosynthesis, suppressed age-related adipose tissue inflammation, enhanced insulin secretion and insulin action, improved mitochondrial function, improved neuronal function in the brain, and more (Shade 2020). Studies have shown that aging itself significantly decreases the conversion of NMN to NAD+ in the body. NMN has been able to suppress age-associated weight gain, enhance energy metabolism and physical activity, improve insulin sensitivity, improve eye function, improve mitochondrial metabolism and prevent age-linked changes in gene expression (Mills KF, et al). Studies have also shown the long term safety of NMN, with no side effects shown.
While NAD exists naturally in the brain, it declines with age. NAD+ can decrease neurotoxicity in the brain. It can decrease ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) in the brain, which can damage brain tissue, decrease neurotransmitters and deplete glutathione which the brain needs to drive the mitochondria. “NAD+ is a vital redox cofactor for metabolism and ATP production, and a key substrate for at least four families of enzymes involved in healthspan and longevity” (Lautrup et al, 2019). NAD+ can also decrease oxidative stress in the brain, which can lead to cell death. It is an effective neuroprotective enzyme that seems to have the effect of reversing brain decline. Numerous studies have demonstrated that boosting NAD+ levels increases insulin sensitivity, reverses mitochondrial dysfunction, and extends lifespan.
Listen to Dr. Gez Agolli and Dr. Cheryl Burdette discuss the benefits of NMN and NAD+ on this episode of Rethink My Health Podcast.
NMN is rapidly absorbed and converted to NAD+ when taken orally. Add 2 scoops to 8 oz of water once daily. For the best results take in the morning on an empty stomach.