Balance Is The Key To a Healthy Estrogen Cycle 0
Whether you are male or female, it pays to make sure that your hormones are balanced. Estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone should all be balanced in your body in order to experience optimal health. Here are some natural ways to approach hormone balancing.
Circulation Is Just As Important As Blood Sugar In Diabetes 0
Your circulatory, cardiac, metabolic, and kidney functions are all intertwined. If you’ve already started worrying about your blood sugar, it’s time to do the same for your circulatory health. Here's how to start on the road to kidney health.
Mitochondrial Health May be the Key to Aging Well (and Having Kids) 0
Metabolic diseases, heart conditions, obesity, cancers, autoimmune diseases, and Alzheimer's Disease can not only slow us down but rob life of much of its enjoyment. These conditions cause stress and worry that further prey on your health, and sap your energy. CoQ10 plays a huge role in maintaining mitochondrial health. Many conditions correlate with low levels of CoQ10.
A Natural Alternative to Statins 0
Statins are the go-to drug for high cholesterol, but many people have side effects. If your cholesterol is high, but you have no other cardiac concerns, you may be able to take a natural approach with changes to diet, and exercise, and supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids and bergamot to achieve cardiac health.