S.M.A.R.T Goals
Planning out your SMART goals is nothing short of a smart idea when achieving your health and wellness goals. We all have these amazing plans to enhance our well-being but do we actually know how to get there? So, lets dive in and talk about what SMART goals are and how they can benefit you.
What is a SMART Goal?
A SMART goal stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely. What do all these mean? Let's break it down a little more:
Specific-Be very specific with what your goal is. Then ask, who will be involved? When will I reach this goal? Why do I want to reach this goal?
Measurable-Be sure you can measure this goal by asking 'How many?' or 'When will this be achieved?'. Measure your progress by tracking it. This could include tracking on an app, a journal, or a simple calendar you have on hand. An example would be, 'I want to lose 20 pounds in 3 months.'
Achievable-Ask yourself, how will I make this achievable? What action do I need to put in place to make this happen? For example, 'I will go to my gym on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays every week.' Make sure there is a specific plan put in place to make that goal happen.
Realistic-We all have big dreams, and that's great; lets make sure they are possible though. You could say, 'I am going to never eat sugar again .' In reality, this may not be possible long term. Instead say, 'I am going to have some fruit or dark chocolate two times a week.' We are not completely limiting ourselves, but still being realistic with our personal goal.
Timely-Set a specific time you want to reach your goal by. If your goal is weight loss than say, 'I want to lose 20 pounds by June 1st.' Setting a time really helps to stay on track and see the end goal.
Whether its goals you set for yourself at work, at home, or with others, recording a SMART goal could be the best way to make these achievable. There are many studies out there showing that simply writing your goals down in this set up can greatly increase the chance of them happening. The goals you have had for days or months or years...let's make them happen!
- Madison Blackmon
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